Watermelon boy, Hello!

Please choose one!
psst choose wisely, one is zonk

Grown Up Mork

Baby Mork

Ups! Sorry, this is zonk

One more choice, choose one!
Remember, one is zonk

We Bare Bears Jaemin

Boba Jaemin

Congratulations you have arrived here! now, please one more tap

Zonk! :p

Happy birthday my love!! May God always bless you bby! Thank you for being born in this world, met me, and become love of my life. Thank you you've come so far until this day. You're wonderful, my precious. My prized possession, I love you, Aldi!❤

Selamat ulang tahun juga untuk my another baby! >< hehehe, aku gabungin aja ya? soalnya deketan, ga deket-deket amat si... ya paling ga sama-sama Agustus ehe :3 Terimakasih mas udah lahir dan bertahan sampai saat ini. Ciye legal :p yeah aku pacaran sama orang legal sekarang xixixixix. Wish you all the best! semoga apa yang diinginkan bisa terkabul, sehat terus, rejekinya lancar, jarang ada masalah yang bikin mas stress, daan yang terpenting, semoga mas selalu bahagia! Amen. Once again, happy birthday for you. Chacha sayang mas Aldi!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Your girl, Chaewonika ❤